The Young African Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship (YASEF) – Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the Young African Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship (YASEF) Program, an initiative designed for young social entrepreneurs with a burning desire to bring about positive transformation in their communities. The program, organized by the African Sustainable Social Economic Transformation Support (ASSETS) will bolster participants’ capacity to help tackle some of society’s most pressing challenges.
The YASEF program will run for 5 months, after which participants will be inducted as Social Entrepreneurship Fellows. This is subject to their meeting the requirements of the fellowship.
To be eligible for the program, an applicant must be a graduate of a higher institution of learning, aged between 20 and 35, possess good communication skills, and have a social entrepreneurship idea that is compelling and promising. They must also accept the terms and conditions for the fellowship, which includes completion of the six-month program.

How to Apply
Persons interested in applying for YASEF should follow these steps:
  1. Fill the online registration form.
  2. Submit a letter detailing the involvement of the intending participant in the program.
Applicants who have posted material related to their social entrepreneurship activity on social media (Facebook, Instagram, or videos on Youtube) should include the link to them, as this would give them an edge in the selection process.
Application closes on January 25, 2017. This will be followed by the admission process and confirmation of participation, which will take place from January 25- February 21, 2017. The fellowship will begin in March.
Successful applicants are expected to pay a commitment and counterpart fee to confirm their admission, which is 20% of the cost of the program.
To register for the Young African Social Entrepreneurs Fellowship Program, click here.

Source: Connect Nigeria


  1. Why do you ask payments while you are doing this for Young Africans? Shame!


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